The Metamorphosis of Marc Sullivan


The Metamorphosis of Marc Sullivan Sean Fesko

In the future, if you’re not meeting the goals of society, you’re not well.

According to the State, Marc Sullivan isn’t well. His panic and constant anxiety keep him from fulfilling his social potential, so he spends his afternoons in prescribed remedial courses designed to help him be more outgoing. Like he hasn’t already tried to live without feeling like throwing up all the time. Sheesh.

One day, beautiful, seemingly normal Charis joins Marc’s group. There’s something different about this girl, Marc thinks. Perhaps he could be more like her, and not what everyone thinks he should be. It will take effort, sure, but maybe – just maybe – he could do it.

The Metamorphosis of Marc Sullivan is available on for free on Amazon Kindle, iBooksKobo, and Nook. You can also buy directly from the author and receive a .mobi, EPUB, and PDF copy here.


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