2020 Poetry The Real World Uncategorized

NaPoWriMo 2020 Days 1-10: Poems on COVID-19

  In the world of poetry, the fourth month of the year is important as April is designated National Poetry Month.   For some poets, the month is also a time to challenge themselves to write 30 different poems, one for each day of the month. Shortened to NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month), this is […]

2019 Poetry

Poem: Rain Dance

Water showers the back streets. Drip, drop, drip. On facades of brick houses perch lanterns glowing with artificial flame. There might be love behind those walls, but I wouldn’t know, nor do I care. Love exists in different ways. I love the rain. I love how the colors run on the thoroughfare. Reds mix with […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: Subtext

Was there subtext to what you said? Or was it all in my head? We sneak glances across the room but I can’t tell if you want something more with me. I can never discern these things correctly. Well, a piper picked some peppers while I pick people that put their heart with others. There’s […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: Psalm 2017

All I know is despair, and hope is a fleeting ray of sunlight at the end of a tunnel I’ll never leave. Trust me. I want to believe, I want to see, but there’s something deep inside my soul that keeps me from becoming free. I could call it my thorn, my divine crutch given […]

2018 Poetry The Real World

Poem: Jigsaw Puzzle Life

I’m living a jigsaw puzzle life. Pieces of me lie scattered all across the table: a like here, a pet peeve there, a hobby across the plane. I’m not sure how they all fit together, and there’s no picture on the box to show what I’m supposed to look like. I wish there were; living […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: The Important Parts

I can’t imagine loving someone I can’t imagine someone loving me I’ve been told I’m unlovable you see That no one will care about the things That I do, or that they will but I won’t be Able to care about the things that make them unique I see photos of couples every week Having, […]