2018 Let's Be Legends

Let’s Be Legends: Non-Linear Short Story Coming February 2019

My latest short story, Let’s Be Legends, will be available for Kindle readers on February 21, 2019. I’m super excited to bring you the plot summary as a New Year’s gift!

Kara Olecki didn’t mean to kill her boyfriend Matt. But she did—and she’s paying the price. As she waits for the jury’s decision, she has nothing but time to recap all the important moments, both good and bad, that led up to her sentencing. Told in dual timelines, experience Kara’s thoughts in the courtroom and musings from the previous two years: From the first time she laid eyes on Matt and their ski trip to Colorado, to their squabbles and individual tribulations. It was the kind of first relationship that Kara had imagined. Right up until the end.

For any of those who’ve been a reader of this site in the past, you’ll notice that this is the story I published an excerpt from in 2017. I’m pretty excited to finally publish it. Why? Because of the use of the dual timeline structure. I’ve always been a fan of the Nolan brothers’ use of non-linear timelines in their movies. This story is a good first dive into such a structure.

While non-linear storytelling is something new for me, this story fits one of the recurring themes of my short story writing process. Typically I’ll plow through the initial draft, work on a second, and then let it sit for years. In 2019, I’m planning on kicking that habit. But while I’m working on such new material, I think it makes sense to release current material.

This will be the first of two short stories I plan on releasing in 2019. The other is halfway through its initial draft and I’m pretty excited about that one, too. But this post is about Let’s Be Legends, which is now available for pre-order on Kindle here. If you have a spare 99 cents and want to be the first to get it as soon as it publishes, please pre-order now!