2017 Status Report Writing Goals

February Status Report: I’m Actually Meeting My Goals!

Okay, really 2017? Just like that, you’re a sixth over. My least favorite sixth too—I hate the cold New England weather. So there’s that. But stop flying by so quickly!

This is going to be a short and sweet post, as I’m sure all of the month-end ones will be. I’m more focused on the future, on writing more and more, and trying to fluff up an update post is not only not helpful, but goes against the tenets of good writing. I’m doing it right now. Fluff, be gone!

So what did I accomplish in February? There were three goals I set out at the first of the year, and here they are, complete with a status update.

  1. Publish my novel. I finished doing the final run through last week, and am starting the process of getting it formatted and ready for Amazon, iBooks, and Kobo. This means I’ll be working on a marketing plan, cover design, and getting reviewers lined up in the next couple of weeks. The mid-summer pub date looks very doable. I can’t wait!
  2. Short story: I’ve added about 3,000 words as I write this, and hope to add another 1,000 before you’ll see it. With four weeks in the month and a goal of 1,000 words a week, I’m well on track. I’m not sure exactly how far along in the story I am—contrary to my post a few weeks back I haven’t outlined this one completely. I’m pantsing my way through at what I think will be about the halfway mark. But we’ll see. The goal was to have it written by the end of January, but it’s ballooned in what it will cover. So…perhaps by the first week of April it will be done.
  3. Check. I’m looking for more ways to promote the blog, and a social share by you, dear reader, would be extremely helpful. So if you’ve liked what you’ve read so far, please tell your friends about me!

BONUS: Now that I’ve finished editing my novel I’m going to add another project to my goals. I found a short story I wrote early last year that needs some love. I’m going to fix it up and then I’ll have two—yes, two!—short stories on tap for this year.

So that’s it. Short and sweet. I’m going to take the rest of the time I’d have been writing and start formatting my novel a bit. Until then!