2013 Music

DNA– Little Mix Album Preview

One of the albums I’m looking forward to this summer DNA by Little Mix. This is essentially the girl version of OneDirection. Like 1D, the majority of their songs focus on love. Jade, Jesy, Perrie, and Leigh-Anne can sing really, really well, although they sometimes come across like carbon copies of other pop artists. Softer tracks like “Pretend It’s Okay” and “Turn Your Face” have the girls channeling their inner Rihanna. On “Always Be Together,” you’ll be fooled into thinking you’re listening to Demi Lovato. And “Red Planet” sounds like an M.I.A. song. These are the more forgettable tracks, because they don’t stand out from the crowd.

The tracks that are worth listening to are the ones where the girls really let go and sing without any restraint. “Stereo Soldier,” “We Are Who We Are,” and “How Ya Doin’” are examples of this kind of track and are the gems of the album. If you buy any of the tracks, these three are the ones to buy. Although the album has already been released overseas, it doesn’t drop in the States until May 28th.