2019 The Real World The Writing Process Writing Goals

2019 Writing Goals

I think New Year’s resolutions are neat in theory. Lose weight. Be more social. Read x amount of books. But they’re just so hard to keep! For example, I wrote in 2017 that I had three main writing goals: publish my novel, write and publish an original short story, and blog every week. I only […]

2017 All Things Together Backstory The Writing Process Writing Goals

Coming to an E-Reader Near You: All Things Together | March Update

All Things Together is finished. Repeat: my novel is finished. This is a big deal! There should be rejoicing in the streets, a cake ordered, a ball scheduled. What started out as a high school project in 2010 is now complete, being formatted for MOBI and EPUB, and awaiting a cover reveal (follow me on Twitter […]

2017 Status Report Writing Goals

February Status Report: I’m Actually Meeting My Goals!

Okay, really 2017? Just like that, you’re a sixth over. My least favorite sixth too—I hate the cold New England weather. So there’s that. But stop flying by so quickly! This is going to be a short and sweet post, as I’m sure all of the month-end ones will be. I’m more focused on the […]

2017 Status Report The Writing Process Writing Goals

January Status Report: Journey Well Underway

The first month of 2017 absolutely flew by. I feel like I was just getting started on my writing goals yesterday, but here we are on the 31st and halfway through what I consider to be the worst two-month stretch of the year: January and February. It’s too dark and too cold! But I digress. […]

2017 The Writing Process Writing Goals

Story Ideas: A Bang or a Whimper?

Do you ever get a great idea and then it just kind of…fizzles out? I do. All the time. I had one in mind earlier this week that I started, wrote about 400 words, and then decided it wouldn’t work. So I set it aside. I have a Word document with dozens of story ideas—working […]

2017 Writing Goals

New Year, New Goals

I have a confession: I’m notoriously bad at New Year’s resolutions. I guess it’s a problem that most of us face, but unlike most people I usually don’t even get started on the project I want to undertake. Something inevitably happens that keeps me from getting up and running, and then, at the time when […]