2020 Poetry The Real World Uncategorized

NaPoWriMo 2020 Days 1-10: Poems on COVID-19

  In the world of poetry, the fourth month of the year is important as April is designated National Poetry Month.   For some poets, the month is also a time to challenge themselves to write 30 different poems, one for each day of the month. Shortened to NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month), this is […]

2019 Poetry

Poem: Rain Dance

Water showers the back streets. Drip, drop, drip. On facades of brick houses perch lanterns glowing with artificial flame. There might be love behind those walls, but I wouldn’t know, nor do I care. Love exists in different ways. I love the rain. I love how the colors run on the thoroughfare. Reds mix with […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: Subtext

Was there subtext to what you said? Or was it all in my head? We sneak glances across the room but I can’t tell if you want something more with me. I can never discern these things correctly. Well, a piper picked some peppers while I pick people that put their heart with others. There’s […]

2018 Anxiety Poetry

Poem: New Normal

Explosions burst through my chest like cannonballs kick up dirt on the battlefield. This is my constant now; I’ve long since given up on trying to love somebody. The electricity running up and down my arms is oddly comforting— a reminder that I’m alive and a conductor of something. Breaths used to come easily, until […]

2018 Poetry The Real World

Poem: City Life

“If I just leave early enough, I can beat everyone into Boston,” I say. It is 6:30 in the morning, and the interstate is already gridlocked. Everyone else had the same idea. The sun has barely risen above the horizon, but it is enough light to see people putting on makeup, to eat a fast […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: Stuck on a Train

Today’s your birthday, and I’m a thousand miles away. I’m crossing the country as fast as I can but it’s too late because you’ve already found your man. Sometimes I think about what may have happened had I acted differently, confidently. And said what the hell, it’s only a question. Might I be in my […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: Psalm 2017

All I know is despair, and hope is a fleeting ray of sunlight at the end of a tunnel I’ll never leave. Trust me. I want to believe, I want to see, but there’s something deep inside my soul that keeps me from becoming free. I could call it my thorn, my divine crutch given […]

2018 Poetry The Real World

Poem: Epitome

April is National Poetry Month. This is one of the pieces I wrote in April 2018 to celebrate the occasion, the first one since I started writing poetry in November 2017.   I keep going and going and going. Nothing will stop me; not even the pins and needles in my arms and the lack of […]

2018 Poetry The Real World

Poem: Jigsaw Puzzle Life

I’m living a jigsaw puzzle life. Pieces of me lie scattered all across the table: a like here, a pet peeve there, a hobby across the plane. I’m not sure how they all fit together, and there’s no picture on the box to show what I’m supposed to look like. I wish there were; living […]

2018 Poetry

Poem: The Important Parts

I can’t imagine loving someone I can’t imagine someone loving me I’ve been told I’m unlovable you see That no one will care about the things That I do, or that they will but I won’t be Able to care about the things that make them unique I see photos of couples every week Having, […]