2019 Backstory The Real World

The Book Tag

I recently came across the book tag on Dee Reads Things and thought it was a really neat idea. It’s a perfect way to get to know a blogger, writer, author, etc. I figured since I’m relatively new to the blog scene, I’d do one and in order to get it out sooner rather than later, […]

2017 Backstory The Real World

Self-Promotion as a Writer

I’m terrible at self-promotion as a writer. But I’m in marketing! This should be right up my alley! Using social media and my network to grow my following, sell books, garner reviews, etc. But it’s not. It’s not up my alley at all. It’s ironic, I know. Why is this? Why can I peddle other […]

2017 All Things Together Backstory The Writing Process Writing Goals

Coming to an E-Reader Near You: All Things Together | March Update

All Things Together is finished. Repeat: my novel is finished. This is a big deal! There should be rejoicing in the streets, a cake ordered, a ball scheduled. What started out as a high school project in 2010 is now complete, being formatted for MOBI and EPUB, and awaiting a cover reveal (follow me on Twitter […]

2017 Backstory Music

What Makes a Writer?

What makes a writer? Some say, to be a good writer, it’s practice. Others, imagination. Some will swear you’re born with it. Maybe by emulating others you can get there. I think it’s a little of all of these things. Obviously you need practice otherwise you are not going to get anywhere. Even when writer’s […]