2019 The Writing Process

Guest Post for Sophie’s Corner

Earlier this week I was able to guest post about outlining a novel on Sophie Li’s blog Sophie’s Corner. I present three different novel outlining strategies you can follow when working on a project like the upcoming 2019 National Novel Writing Month. Head on over to Sophie’s Corner here to read the entire post.

2019 ASMR The Raven Bride

The Raven Bride ASMR – Part 2

This week Busy B ASMR uploaded the second part of her ASMR reading of my book The Raven Bride to her YouTube channel. Check out the new excerpt found here: If you enjoyed this as much as I did, please give her a like and subscribe to her on YouTube. You can also find Busy B on Twitter and Instagram.

2019 The Writing Process

How to KonMari For Writing

If writing were easy, everyone would be doing it. While there are grammar and spelling rules to follow, most of the time writing is about blazing your own trail. This is hard to do, though, for those like me who feel the need for structure in their projects and writing schedules. Wouldn’t it be great […]

2019 Poetry

Poem: Rain Dance

Water showers the back streets. Drip, drop, drip. On facades of brick houses perch lanterns glowing with artificial flame. There might be love behind those walls, but I wouldn’t know, nor do I care. Love exists in different ways. I love the rain. I love how the colors run on the thoroughfare. Reds mix with […]

2019 Backstory The Real World

The Book Tag

I recently came across the book tag on Dee Reads Things and thought it was a really neat idea. It’s a perfect way to get to know a blogger, writer, author, etc. I figured since I’m relatively new to the blog scene, I’d do one and in order to get it out sooner rather than later, […]

2019 Around the Web

Bookish Fame Interview

This week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Khyati Gautam for her blog Bookish Fame. If you’re interested in why I like writing short stories more than novels, how poetry caught my eye, and what advice I’d give to beginning writers, pop on over to her site and take a look at my answers! […]

2019 ASMR The Raven Bride

The Raven Bride ASMR

I’m a big fan of ASMR, and I’ve partnered with the talented Busy B ASMR on YouTube to have my book The Raven Bride be read in a relaxing whisper! You can watch the video below: I suggest finding a comfortable place to relax and close your eyes as she reads to you. I’m really […]

2019 The Real World The Writing Process Writing Goals

2019 Writing Goals

I think New Year’s resolutions are neat in theory. Lose weight. Be more social. Read x amount of books. But they’re just so hard to keep! For example, I wrote in 2017 that I had three main writing goals: publish my novel, write and publish an original short story, and blog every week. I only […]