2019 Backstory The Real World

The Book Tag

I recently came across the book tag on Dee Reads Things and thought it was a really neat idea. It’s a perfect way to get to know a blogger, writer, author, etc. I figured since I’m relatively new to the blog scene, I’d do one and in order to get it out sooner rather than later, I’d just tag myself!

So, sit back and enjoy my answers to the 50 questions below.

1.) What was the last book you read? Date and Time by Phil Kaye

2.) Was it a good one? It was okay; I’m still trying to get into reading poetry despite writing it. There were entries I liked and ones I didn’t.

3.) What made it good? There were a couple of poems told from the point of view of a personified computer that were really interesting and got me thinking.

4.) Would you recommend it to other people? If you like poetry, yes.

5.) How often do you read? I try to read on more than half the days of the week.

6.) Do you like to read? Of course!

7.) What was the last bad book you read? I don’t continue reading books once I decide I don’t like them. I had a really hard time reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson in high school and stopped.

8.) What made you dislike it? To be honest, I can’t remember.

9.) Do you wish to be a writer? I am a writer!

10.) Has any book ever influenced you greatly? We Were Liars by E. Lockhart provided a lot of inspiration for the tone of my current WIP.

11.) Do you read fan-fiction? No, not at all. If it’s not canon it’s a waste of reading time, in my opinion.

12.) Do you write fan-fiction? No; see above.

13.) What is your favorite book? I couldn’t just pick one. We Were Liars, Thirteen Reasons Why, and Another Faust have long been favorites of mine.

14.) What is your least favorite book? I don’t have a least-favorite book, just a handful of DNFs.

15.) Do you prefer physical books or ready on a device (like Kindle)? This is a tricky one. Personally I have a hard time reading on a screen, so physical books are my preferred format. But…all my stories are currently e-only, so does that make me a hypocrite?

16.) When did you learn to read? I learned how to read very early on, probably before kindergarten.

17.) What is your favorite book you had to read in school? We weren’t forced to read a ton of books in school. There were lots of excerpts from anthology readers. Most of the books we did have to read were classics like Silas Marner and everybody hated it, me included.

18.) What is your favorite book series? Harry Potter, sorry for the cliché. Second favorite? The Gone series by Michael Grant.

19.) Who is your favorite author? Again, I can’t choose just one. J.K. Rowling, Michael Grant, E. Lockhart, Nicholas Sparks, Sara Dessen, and John Green have all written multiple favorite books of mine.

20.) What is your favorite genre? YA fiction, because it was so relatable when I read it and I had a hard time transitioning to adult fiction.

21.) Who is your favorite character in a book series? I really love Severus Snape in Harry Potter. He had such a hard job and did it fantastically.

22.) Has a book ever transported you somewhere else? I don’t think so, not in the traditional “I think I’m really there” sense.

23.) Which book do you wish had a sequel? I was going to say a sequel to Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli would be pretty neat. Then I found out it exists! Time to request it from the library. Be right back.

24.) Which book do you wish DIDN’T have a sequel? To be honest, most of the books I read are either standalones or planned trilogies, so the additional entries are important. I’m more disappointed with limited-run TV series that add an additional season for monetary purposes.

25.) How long does it take you to read a book? If it’s not a terrible bore, a week or less depending on the amount of free time I have.

26.) Do you like when books become movies? I’m usually really excited about them when announced and then not as excited when I see them. Marvel is the exception because I never read the comics.

27.) Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation? I think Divergent and the whole debacle with the production and release of subsequent movies was pretty disappointing.

28.) Which movie has done a book justice? I thought the first two Hunger Games movies were fantastic, largely due to Jennifer Lawrence and Woody Harrelson’s performances.

29.) Do you read newspapers? Every once in a while. I do check the news online a few times a day.

30.) Do you read magazines? Every once in a while. I used to read a bunch of different ones when I was little, but when it came time for me to pay for subscriptions I realized how expensive it was to keep up the habit.

31.) Do you prefer newspapers or magazines? Magazines; some newsprint makes it hard for me to breathe.

32.) Do you read while in bed? Occasionally, but usually after I’ve exhausted the couch and floor.

33.) Do you read while on the toilet? Doesn’t everybody?

34.) Do you read while in the car? No, I get really carsick reading in a vehicle. I’m usually in the driver’s seat anyway so it’s not a big deal.

35.) Do you read while in the bath? I don’t take baths, so no.

36.) Are you a fast reader? I do tend to be unless it’s a reading for a class or something very technical. Then I read it much more slowly as I attempt to soak in the information.

37.) Are you a slow reader? See above.

38.) Where is your favorite place to read? I like reading in the quiet of my room, and occasionally during the late afternoon at Nantasket Beach in Hull, MA.

39.) Is it hard for you to concentrate when you read? Not really, my mind will often wander and I’ll need to pull myself back into the story by rereading a paragraph.

40.) Do you need a room to be silent while you read? As long as they’re not talking to me, I don’t mind noise or conversation in the background.

41.) Who gave you your love for reading? My parents definitely encouraged me to read and provided plenty of books.

42.) What book is next on your list to read? Love, Stargirl.

43.) When did you start to read chapter books? I began reading Magic Tree House and Boxcar Children books in second or maybe third grade. Those are the first chapter books I can remember reading.

44.) Who is your favorite children’s book author? I really enjoyed Andrew Clements, Tony Abbott, and Mary Pope Osborne’s books as a kid.

Sarah Kay and Sean Fesko
Me and Sarah Kay, 2018.

45.) Which author would you most want to interview? I think J.K. Rowling, mainly to talk about plot development.

46.) Which author do you think you would be friends with? I had a chance to meet Sarah Kay last year and she made me feel wonderfully heard and respected. I think we’d get along well.

47.) What book have you reread the most? I tend to reread series more than standalones. Harry Potter and Gone have both been read through more than once.

48.) Which books do you consider “classics?” A lot of books I’ve tried reading and never enjoyed. Things like The Scarlett Letter, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Flies, etc.

49.) Which books do you think should be taught in every school? I think a mix of the classics—even though I can’t stand them—along with contemporary, YA books should be taught. A diverse authorship is also important.

50.) Which books should be banned from all schools? Anything that glorifies murder, rape, discrimination, etc. I’m not against teaching tough or controversial topics as long as there’s a lesson to be learned and the perpetrators aren’t being unchallenged.

So that’s it—my first book tag! I’d like to nominate a few fellow bloggers to give their responses to these questions. Andrew Doan, Peter Elliott, and Khyati Gautam, you’re up! For anyone else, if any of these questions were intriguing please leave your answer to it in a comment below!